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     Thank you so much for your interest.
Anyone is welcome to use this site.  Hopefully, the materials available can make a difference for you.  The internet is a wonderful resource for people who can capitalize on its strengths and not be victimized by its weaknesses.  Those who supplement with the right resources have a massive advantage. 
One on one tutoring is now predominantly by word of mouth because that is just safer.
  For small group programs for parents to help them grow key skills for today's world,
please check with your local library or connect with me via TeachersPayTeachers.

    Please note: this site is not designed to replace schools or teachers.  The US still has one of the best educational systems in the world for families and students who have the right priorities.  But, schools can't be all things to all people and most schools are simply a reflection of the priorities of the taxpayers and voters who employ them. 
     An important reality is that learning isn't always fun.  Sometimes, it is just important or useful. The most unadvertised secret in today's education arena is that parents', teens' and taxpayers' choices make a big difference in outcomes.
I wish you an amazing future!

My privacy policy is that I don't keep track of who looks at this site. 
People have a right to their personal privacy.
Tracking just comes across as a little too disrespectful for me. 
And, some of those people at the top are a little too scary to trust.
Money doesn't cure diseases, people do ......
  Money doesn't solve problems, people do.

There are some incredible people around ....
but they could be hiding from the crazy people.  

Copyright guidelines:  Please note, this information is posted on the internet which has some challenging issues these days.  So, please be careful and think through how you share this information.  It is so much more fun to work with people who already like me and that might not be on the internet.